"The good news is that you can free yourself from your mind" (Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now)
I haven't had such a good belly laugh since reading this and other quotes from the first chapter of The Power of Now, by the mindless Master Tolle. Evidently, he has a massive following, selling his religion of mind erasure.
"So the single most vital step in your journey toward enlightenment is this: learn to disidentify from your mind." (The Power of Now)
And this really made me laugh, because it's truly so amazingly ridiculous:
"The predominance of mind is no more than a stage in the evolution of consciousness. We need to go on to the next stage now as a matter of urgency; otherwise, we will be destroyed by the mind, which has grown into a monster." (The Power of Now)
Someone needs to tell Eckhart this, that his mind has "grown into a monster," and that the average person doesn't feel quite so tortured about having one, or needing to lobotomize. Perhaps, he is threatened by the monstrous minds of others and all of their annoying thoughts.
He does say that the voices in the head are annoying and that thought is an addiction. I'm not sure why he assumes the rest of us hear voices in our head. For some reason my mind is now thinking of Jan Brady in the Brady Bunch Movie....
And when are they going to make a rehab treatment program for thinking addicts?
I guess, I'm so un evolved that I haven't even gotten enlightened enough to hear my "inner voice."