Friday, December 11, 2009

The Breathe of Life

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being (Genesis 2:7)

And this is the moment carbon dioxide (CO2) is first expelled into the perfect earth, the moment the glaciers begin melting and polar bears begin floating on stray islands of ice.

There is a bit of folk wisdom that says talking to a plant will make it grow faster. Most likely, it is not so much the vibrations of speech which the plant loves, but the breathe which contains CO2, not to mention one who talks to a plant is also attentive to its needs.

But it has been agreed upon by supposedly educated and well-meaning adults in positions of power that CO2 is now a toxin which must be condemned.

It is difficult for me to comprehend the logic. How is it that the world must unite to protect plant and animal life from irresponsible human encroachment and use, but also claim that the very thing plants rely on for energy is now dangerous?

If plants do not get enough light, water, or CO2 they don't grow. And if plants don't grow animals die. Polar bears will die without herbivores to chew on, not to mention that plants expel oxygen as a "waste" product, which is what humans and animals breathe.

Is it possible that what is really meant by lowering CO2 emissions is the death of all that breathes?

There does seem to be an arrogance forming in the ponds of "No Man's Land," in the Great White Circle around Bella Center in Copenhagen where the big UN is meeting for the Climate Change Conference (COP15).

It seems, judging from the three plastic-lined ponds in the Great White Circle of rocks, rocks, and more rocks at Bella Center's entrance that the breathe of life will only be blowing upon the pond that symbolizes those chosen few meeting inside and the air they will be huffing.

There are three lonely ponds erected in the landscape. One pond is full of water and leaves which are in various stages of decay, which most likely represents the humous pile of history and lives used as compost for the great one's gardens.

There is another plastic-lined pool which has a cloud made of 1800 metres of recycled water spewing forth into it. This represents the daily Dane (Flemming Rafn Thomsen, Head of Design, SLA).

And then there is the special pond, full of white chalk stones, which will be the one that catches the wind, the spirit of inspiration, causing its surface to froth, and turn "milky."

I suppose, that those not part of the compost pond may be symbolized by the Great White Circle of rocks.

It is not clear as to how those gathered at COP15 will get the breathe of life/inspiration blown upon them if no religion is allowed. Perhaps, there is a new pantheon of gods being developed, from which the breathe will be gotten. Perhaps, they think to make themselves gods and demi-gods, giving birth to a new dawn, a new Olympus, an new order.

Vanity of vanities...All is vanity

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