Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tips For Defending America From Corporatism

Here is my list of ways to DO something to prevent the complete pharmaceutical and chemical monopoly that is currently being instituted in the United States of America in an attempt to make the country the new home of IG Farbenindustries which attempted a takeover of Europe with the help of Hitler and the people of Germany in the 1930s and 1940s:

*Watch the documentary film Food, Inc.

*Read History. Go to Dr. Rath's Health Foundation site and read the historic books and documents posted there, especially those pertaining to IG Farben. Then, ask yourself, objectively, do you see any eery similarities to our time? Have we been experimenting upon silent minorities and outcasts of society--prison inmates, alcoholics, children of unwed/poor mothers, the military, veterans, tobacco users, the elderly, illegal immigrants, etc. Do you care, or are these human "burdens" useful only as guinea pigs?

*Splurge One Meal A Week Or More On Grass-fed, Locally Raised Meat, Poultry, and Dairy. Each time you buy this food you are increasing demand, supporting a smaller, non monopoly person like yourself who cares about the community and puts money back into it. Grass fed, and free-range meat is happy meat, and humanely butchered. After watching Food, Inc. you will see how beautiful happy meat is, and you'll be glad to know that the steak or ground beef you're eating had a good life for you.

After watching Food, Inc. you will also feel proud of buying grass-fed and local because you are supporting FREE SPEECH! That's right, the one or two corporations that own nearly all of the patented corn and soybeans in the U.S. go after the farmers who dare to speak up, destroying their lives with military-like midnight raids, and lawsuits.

Buying local free-range inhibits the abusive employment of Mexican illegals who are shipped in to work the large corporate plants that process our meat, and pick our produce because they have no voice. These corporate operations don't want American citizens working these jobs because we have rights and can speak up without fear of deportation, changing the system, not working under abusive and inhumane conditions. Buy local, save American dignity, force Mexico and the corporations to clean up their act. Make a local farmer or rancher rich!

*Forget Your Political Or Religious Preferences. You may find that you have a lot in common with a "liberal" or a "conservative" person. If you dislike tobacco smoke but find that a tobacco smoker or group is working against corporate controls of the country or community, put your bias aside and love them as human. The objective is not to agree on much, except that you each are fighting for the right NOT to agree or be alike. The objective is to stand up for people's God-given right to NOT agree with each other.
If you are a Christian judge an individual of another religion separately from that religion.

If you are Black, White, or Hispanic judge each individual of other colors or backgrounds individually. Discriminating is not bad. Wine tasters are said to be "discriminating" in their taste. Discriminate based upon the individual, never the color, neighborhood, educational status, etc. Remember, the corporations want us to be separated, not to mix, to believe stereotypes, never be friends, because then we can be used against each other.

*Stop Keeping Up With The Joneses. No one likes them anyway.

*Never Vote For More Law Enforcement Or Bigger Jails, Or For School Bonds no matter how legitimate the reasoning behind their desires appears. The public school system is a monopoly and gets billions of our money. Let them whine. We do without all the time. We're not stopping them from making a budget or cutting the salaries of the overpaid bureaucrats. Small business owners do without to make payroll, so can the public school system. And the bigger the jail, the more police enforcement the more arrests for petty offenses, the more helpless the citizenry. We each have, arms, legs, and brains. If you see a crime, stop it!

*Don't Believe The Doctor Is A God. You don't know everything and neither do they. They know what you know and wear white coats and are allowed to cut people with fancy knives. The doctor is often a high-paid drug dealer and nothing more. Some are good, but usually as mystified about what ails a patient as the patient is. A doctor is useful in the way an auto mechanic is useful--for repairing broken bones, pipes, hearts/motors and such, but not much more.

Afraid of appearing like a nature nut and appearing "alternative" with dred locks and sandals? Stop worrying and change the stereotype. If you must go into the local food co-op to buy the local goat cheese and granola, so be it. Let everyone know who you are and what you're doing and why. Go shopping where you haven't before, let the business know there's a new kind of customer on the horizon.

*Support legal marijuana even if you don't believe in using it. Why? Because when marijuana is legalized it drives the state crazy because they stop receiving federal funding. Less federal funding means more freedom in all aspects of life. I only recently figured this out, and am now a supporter of legalized marijuana. Not to mention, if we allow the current corporate monopoly control of our governments we all may have to smoke it to ease our pain and poverty.

*Fight Tobacco Control And Codex Alimintarius. Summer's warming up. The pharma-backed anti-tobacco movements power up in summer because no one cares and doesn't show up for the meetings. Summer is when they implement all action.

*Fight Tobacco Bans. Why should you fight tobacco control? Go read up on pellagra and niacin and nicotinic receptors. The pharma monopoly wants our access to niacin through supplements and food cut dramatically. You think those pictures of lung cancer look bad, look at the photos of pellagra, which is associated with a corn-fed diet. And we are corn-fed people. You may need a cigarette, cigar, or pipe when you're done finding out the strange truth about how important niacin/nicotinic acid and tobacco are. Ask yourself is it really withdrawal when one quits tobacco, or is it deficiency of nicotinic acid? Is a tobacco ban really Pharma monopoly and control of our access to nicotinic acid? Yes. There is nothing moral or healthy about smoking bans.

*Join Toast Masters. This group of diverse people will help in a fun way to teach public speaking and in mastery of one's self even when nervous.

*Use the Written Word. All of the great pamphleteers of the past have written, usually anonymously. There is a growing movement against anonymity, claims that it is dishonest and a sign of fear in the author. This is a lie. Anonymous authors are difficult to catch and shut up. Daniel Defoe wrote anonymously and when found out he was put in the stocks. The citizens had loved what he wrote and showered him in flowers instead of refuse while he was displayed in the stocks. America's founding fathers wrote anonymously, as well as a few brave souls during IG Farben/Hitler's reign.

*Beware the Temptation to Join Mass Movements. Throughout history these mass groups of people have been used for bad purposes, thinking it was for good. A mass of people are easy to herd, easy to use, easy to blame, easy to catch. Mass movements distract from the real issues and solutions. If the individuals in mass movements would disperse back to their homes and towns and act there they would accomplish more and be more of a threat to corporate monopoly. A mass movement is a flood.

*Be A Spark. A raindrop cannot drown the land, but a spark can set a fire. A pebble dropped in the pond sends out wider and wider waves. Go be a spark at your local church potluck, shock a few people. Go sit down at the local bar and talk to the person next to you. The great movers and shakers of history have gone amongst the people living and working in the community, getting to know them, showing them they care. Every single day, be interested and interesting to those around you.

*Be Not Be Consumed With Hate. You lose and the enemy wins if one becomes bitter. Love is not wimpy and spineless. Let the love of freedom and mankind fuel all work, not hate. Love works harder than hate. Love is tougher and more resilient than hate. Love and compassion look really good when combating evil, which always pretends it acts in love; but tries to create emotional, hateful, frustrated outbursts from those it seeks to paint as "terrorists."

*Be Creative and Keep A Sense of Humor. Give those prudes funded by Pharmaceutical grants the other cheek, the full moon.

*Support the Local Rebellious Business Owner. Are they breaking the tobacco ban or other ban? Have they been fined by the local Pharma/Health Department? Go patronize them even if you'd rather stay home and aren't allowed to smoke indoors. If you don't drink, buy a couple drinks for someone else and tip the bartender. Conversely, was there a bar or business owner who supported the tobacco ban, and mysteriously happened to come across enough money for a high class renovation while campaigning for a smoke-free environment? Boycott that business and tell everyone why. Make new friends if your friends snub you for not joining them in patronizing that business.

*Support An Indian Casino, Hotel, or Tobacco Manufacturer. If we're not allowed to do these things off the reservation, then we need to show that off-reservation bans increase business on them. Show the State what they're losing. Indian tobacco manufacturers represent that smaller, more accountable, local, less monopoly business. Big Business doesn't mean corporate/state monopoly. It means success and quality. Also, the Tobacco Settlement gag order on defending tobacco doesn't apply to First Peoples. Their voice may defend those off the reservation and income derived from those off the reservation. If we belatedly defend the First People's rights, not by pushing for federal welfare, but by encouraging and requesting tobacco, grass-fed meat, non-patented produce, and so forth, we will boost their economy (which the State is afraid of) and preserve important sources of nicotinic acid which are primarily supplied by good meat and tobacco.

*Recharge. We are not machines. Go fishing, take a walk, work in the garden, stare at clouds, play the guitar, find a lover, eat a pleasurable food, build something, have a barbecue, read a work of fiction, enjoy silence. These are moments of being human and often when wonderful and unexpected knowledge is gained. It's not wrong, it's not lazy to enjoy life and have pleasures.

*Buckle Down And Remember Freedom Is MORE Important Than Money. There is no money without freedom. Freedom is not freedom if the rights of certain groups are trampled upon for the despotic "rights" of another group. Freedom is not free. It's priceless. The only monopoly America should strive for is a monopoly of liberty for all. Slavery to the State and to "Health Care" is not liberty or freedom to be born, live, or die as one chooses.

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