Friday, January 29, 2010


It seems that from the moment one is born they are running a gauntlet in which nearly everything is beating upon the body, trying to break the body with cancer. Alcohol causes cancer, radon, automobile exhaust, the sun, viruses, sugar and coffee; but it is tobacco smoke which many fear the most even though a minority of people are exposed to it, and when they are it is only temporary in duration.

There are many drugs and stimulants, but tobacco is the only one that produces paranoia, fear, segregation, sickness,violence and hatred in those who don't use it. If one has ever known a drug addict they will recall their unstable behavior, or perhaps, they can recall the feeling themselves from past drug use. Or perhaps, one has known a schizophrenic who believes some entity is in a conspiracy against them and that they are in danger everywhere they go.

Tobacco smoke may or may not cause cancer, but will banning it really protect us from cancer's conspiracy against the human race? If or when tobacco smoke is made illegal what will we blame cancer on? Will we still blame it on smoker's who somehow transferred it like a flu virus across the generations? Will we have to ban our ancestors? No, we'll find a new scapegoat within our herd. It's not tobacco smoke we are afraid of, but our own self and our naked vulnerability in a harsh world. It is too difficult to come to grips with the fact that we don't live in Eden and that we can't get back in no matter how many of our fellow sheep we sacrifice upon the alter.

Perhaps, another purpose of the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution is to protect the minority from the desires of the majority, from being made into atonement for sin (incidentally, there is no constitutional right in place that protects Americans from the Grim Reaper). Hitler, with the very compliant and willing help of his country chose to sacrifice the Jews, smokers and others upon his filthy alter. The high priests of the Superstitious Science of Fear told the masses that their economic and health problems would be cleansed of the impurity, curse and cancer if enough innocents were offered up to the Aryan gods. Why is it so often the case that the prophets of of Utopia and Freedom From Death always end up being murderers?

Thank goodness there were a few people left who understood the meaning of sacrifice and willingly gave their lives to fight for the freedom of the innocents being incinerated by the paranoid schizoids of satan. We are not to sacrifice others to make our own life better, but rather to sacrifice our own life for the ideals we hold dear and for those we love. It is hate, bitterness, and jealousy that are the cancers, not smokers, chubby people, and meat-eaters.

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