Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Linked To Hamsters

I find it quite interesting that no matter how many times I try to allow comments to be posted on my previous post it never sticks. Is this censoring by Blogger? I'll be finding the answer after a few posts. I wonder if they know about the Bill of Rights?

And boy, we have it sooo hard here in America. I'm surprised we're not all dead with these plagues and hardships we face on a daily basis. Swine flu, cigarette smokers, Toyotas, Depression. Yeah, Depression, economic and otherwise, but these other things are (of course) much more devastating and dangerous. If only we could have it easy like they do in third world countries where their only problems are shelter, starvation, war, dirty water, and selling one's child into slavery.

I can think of nothing more frightening than being in a Toyota, driven by a tobacco user who hasn't been vaccinated against "swine" flu. Jeepers, it's like playing Russian Roulette. What if the gas pedal sticks, what if one gets lung cancer from 2nd hand smoke, what if they sneeze on you and you get the flu? I'd rather jump off a cliff with no bungee cord to bounce me back.

We should follow the advice of the Confidence Man, er, I mean the Corporations, I mean the Government and live in paralyzed fear. They say park the Toyota, get the shot and quarantine yourself, ban those who smoke cigarettes. I have a better idea. Get a giant hamster ball and knock yourself out, over and over again against the same wall.

I say we ban the obsessive compulsive disorder of the Government Corporations and blow smoke in people's faces (metaphorically), press the accelerator down to the faulty floor mat (metaphorically), and sneeze on everyone we meet (and not say "God Bless you) to do our part in creating a sustainable world population. That will leave more beer, fat, fun, and other joyous "sins" for those of us who know we're going to die and want to enjoy ourselves before it's too late.

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