Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another Version of Martin Niemoller

Martin Niemoller, a Christian pastor, and early supporter of the Nazi party is famously quoted for his "When they came for the Jews" speech.

Not long after the Nazis came to power, Niemoller realized the horrible truth of what he had once supported and began to speak out, but it was too late, and there was no one to defend him when he was sent to the concentration camps.

There are many variations of Niemoller's famous words. Here is mine:

When they came for the weak,
I remained silent;
I wasn't weak.

When they came for the tobacco user,
I remained silent;
I didn't use tobacco.

When they came for the gun owner,
I remained silent;
I didn't own a gun.

When they came for the fat people,
I remained silent;
I wasn't fat.

When they came for the Toyota company,
I remained silent;
What right did Toyota have to compete with Government Motors?

When they watched children undressing via school-issue computers,
I remained silent;
It wasn't my child.

When they taxed my jobless neighbors out of their homes,
I remained silent;
I didn't like them anyway.

When they came for the sinners,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a sinner.

When they came for me,
There remained no voice to speak.

image: Slave Woman

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